5 Steps to Improve Your Email Marketing for Music Events

5 Steps to Improve Your Email Marketing for Music Events
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5 Steps to Improving Your Email Marketing for Music Events

Since the introduction of COVID-19, live music has experienced a number of difficulties that have forced event organisers to postpone, cancel, or alter their performances. It’s time to think about how you might modify your event promotion to recover more powerfully now that live music events are back on the national calendar. Your email marketing plan for music events is a terrific place to start.

Email is still a crucial marketing tool for communicating with fans, promoting your concerts, and increasing ticket sales even in the social media era. To encourage people to read your emails and take action, however, requires some work and testing. Here are five strategies to increase email open rates and strengthen fan connections.

1. Expand your email marketing database for music events.

Once you’ve started building your email list, there are many strategies you may use to keep getting new signups:

Upload your event attendees list on a regular basis to your email marketing platform. With alternatives like MailChimp and Emma, we can assist you in syncing directly with the finest email solution for bands or venues like yours.

A prominent email sign-up button or popup may be added to your website as one of the simplest methods for artists to expand their email lists. As a thank you for signing up, promise registrants a discount or early access to ticket sales. Promote your email updates to your social media followers and encourage them to join up.

Start by using Eventbrite Boost, which makes it simple to run competitions to get more email subscribers and boost social media engagement.

2. For your music-event email marketing, follow a timetable.

Consistency is the key to successfully advertising forthcoming events and bands via email marketing. You must continue to provide your audience with high-quality information that is both about your performers and the events. This is done to keep individuals interested and encourage them to share with their larger network as well.

Send out your updates often enough for your message to be relevant and interesting. Aim to send your email at the same time each week if you have a lot of high-quality stuff to provide. Try out various send times before sticking with what works best for you. Choose to send emails just once every two weeks or once a month if you don’t have enough material to send emails every week that will be read.

Promote the frequency of your emails as the event date approaches to increase interest and ticket sales. Take into account techniques for promoting events like raffles or discounted group tickets.

that encourage recipients of your emails to forward them.

To ensure that you never forget or get too busy, choose technologies that can automate your email marketing. You can plan out material ahead of time on one platform with the use of tools like Eventbrite Boost.

3. Subdivide your audience.

You should send smaller, more focused emails to highlight crucial material for certain target groups in addition to a regular email newsletter that is sent to your whole list (or a significant chunk of it). Send these emails to fans in a certain city or area, as well as to those who saw a certain show in the past and could be interested in others like it.

Even better, you may target followers of certain genres with more engaging material. This will guarantee that your emails speak to the unique interests of your subscribers, resulting in a higher open rate and more conversions.

4. recap your achievements

Sending out summaries within a day or two after each show will increase interest and brand loyalty. Ensure you:

Thank the audience for attending the performance.

In order to increase social interaction, provide images that connect to your Facebook picture gallery or Instagram account.

List a few forthcoming programmes in the same genre to remarket by taking advantage of the chance.

Even if you haven’t recently organised an event, you may still highlight your achievements. Focus on recently released albums or produce unique material that can only be viewed by email subscribers if you’re unsure of how to construct an email for musicians who haven’t been on the road in a while.

5. Create your emails with care.

Another element to successful email marketing for music events? The king is content. Make sure to carefully design your email for optimum engagement and to include plenty of beautiful images and video link references. To grab the reader’s attention right away, concentrate on writing message that expresses the beauty of your event effectively.

When an email is viewed in an inbox, the preheader is the second line of text that is seen following the subject line. This may be seen as a second subject line that you can use to get your most engaging information or call-to-action through to your audience before they even decide to open the email. Use the preheader to showcase supporting artists or generate a feeling of urgency about tickets selling out if your subject line features your major artist.

Make certain that your emails have a unique tone or personality. Making ensuring your tone is entertaining and engaging is a part of it. Use humour, straightforward “you” remarks, and a relaxed, welcoming voice without fear.

Subject lines often determine whether an email is opened or not. Your email may wind up in the spam bin if the subject line contains trigger words, exclamation points, or all capitals. Instead, make your subject lines brief, precise, and entertaining while highlighting your most standout up-and-coming talent.

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