6 Excellent Examples of Event Invitations and Emails Done Right

6 Excellent Examples of Event Invitations and Emails Done Right
6 Excellent Examples of Event Invitations and Emails Done Right

Your event invitation email may find it challenging to stand out in recipients’ inboxes. You must remember that in addition to competing with other occasions and advertisements, you must also contend with work emails, messages from friends, and newsletters from their preferred businesses.

However, when you master the subscriber experience, great things happen. Email has greater conversion rates per session than social media and search, according to Litmus.

 1. A responsive illustration: The Tennessee Titans

It seems sense that most people access their email on their phones because we all use them constantly.

Event makers are still sending emails that don’t display on a tiny screen, which is why we always emphasise the need of responsive emails. It’s already outdated to even contemplate designing your event communications without mobile in mind.

Stick with a scannable, one-column design, like this one from the Tennessee Titans, to provide a fantastic mobile experience. A huge, tap-able CTA button and only using text that is 14 px or bigger are some things you should consider doing. Last but not least, be sure that the landing page you’re sending them to is also mobile-friendly.

2. China Chilcano, the GIF master

GIFs are often used because they are effective rather than because they are in style. The bulk of ticket sales often take place immediately after the announcement or before the event. A engaging GIF in your email may be a terrific method to catch subscribers’ attention and increase sales during the slow season for all of your other messages. Take a look at this example of a China Chilcano event invitation email.

3. The sponsor sends: Field Yoga

What about yet another fantastic method to pass the time between your announcement and the event itself? a message promoting your sponsors. Send a thank-you email to guests on behalf of your sponsors, without whom your event would not be possible.

Not only will it satisfy your sponsors, but it will also benefit guests by letting them know about practical goods or services that will be available at your event. This Yoga in the Field example shows how to advertise a sponsor while still maintaining the visuals and text appropriate for the occasion.

4. Marketing United’s follow-up after the event

Many event organisers spend a lot of time and energy creating their advertising emails but overlook their follow-up correspondence. However, the follow-up email you write is among the most crucial ones you’ll ever send.

The greatest moment to thank guests for their time, provide any promised material, and solicit priceless attendee feedback is in your post-event email.

The day after the conference ends, we follow up with a post-conference video summary, some insightful thoughts, and our attendance survey for Emma’s Marketing United conference.

5. Recommendations for event emails that are content-based donation: water

You can (and should) continue to provide guests with useful material long after your event has ended. This is particularly true for charity and academic settings. It’s critical to carry the conversation and keep in touch with guests after engaging with them in person if you want to promote contributions.

Charity: Water, a customer of Emma’s, excels at this, providing engaging material in the wake of each live event they hold. Take note of how they take use of this to urge participants to make their committed gift as well.

6. The Vans Warped Tour win-back email

You should maintain a clean email list while trying to contact as many prospective guests as you can. To maintain your sender reputation and prevent deliverability problems (i.e., ending up in the dreaded spam folder), you must do this.

Sending your list the occasional re-engagement email, asking them to opt in to future communications if they still want to hear from you, as in this example from Vans Warped Tour, is an efficient way to maintain list cleanliness. Allowing past participants to self-select can help you make sure the correct individuals hear your message since they may not be able to attend again.

You may examine attendees who consented to receiving marketing emails when using Eventbrite to handle your email messages to guests. You can also see who unsubscribed. To make things simple for you, Eventbrite also automatically removes unsubscribed subscribers from your emails.

Are you looking for more marketing ideas for your next event?
To understand how to sell more tickets, increase income during lulls in sales, and receive practical tips on how to increase the likelihood that your emails will be opened and read, check out Emma’s guide, How to Sell Out Your Next Event in Record Time. Or, for additional email ideas, have a look at these four excellent event email template samples to increase attendance and ticket sales.

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