Navy Birthday Event in the United States

Navy Birthday in the United States
Navy Birthday in the United States

When Is Navy Birthday 2023?

Fri, Oct 13, 2023

On October 13, the US Navy celebrates its birthday, commemorating the year it was founded in 1775.

Is the Navy Birthday a Holiday?

It is not a holiday to celebrate Navy Birthday. There are regular business hours.

The United States Navy was created on October 13, 1775. The American Navy was founded on this day, which is commemorated.

Naval Festivity

Personnel, veterans, and others with ties to the navy are the major celebrants of the day. Typically, a Navy Birthday Ball is held to celebrate, complete with a formal meal, birthday cake, and entertainment.

Pirate Issue

The Continental Navy served as the forerunner of the United States Navy for more than 240 years. During the American Revolutionary War, the Continental Congress of that time gave permission for two armed ships to hunt for ships that were supplying the British troops with guns and ammunition (1775–1783).

The Continental Navy was disbanded after the war, but because of pirate attacks on American commerce ships, President George Washington passed the Naval Act of 1794, which established a permanent standing US Navy.

current US Navy

The naval warfare division of the US Armed Forces is known as the US Navy. More than 300,000 people are employed there on an ongoing basis, while the Navy Reserve employs around 100,000 people.

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